

The Nord-Pas-De-Calais is an administrative region of France, formed of departments :
               - du Nord (59)  2 531 700 h
               - de Pas De Calais (62)  1 433 200 h

County seat: Lille. 
The Prefecture of Region is in Lille. 
The surface is 12 414 km². 
The population is 3 964 900 inhabitants.


A regional natural park spreads on 1 460 km² in the two departments. The technopole of Villeneuve-d'Ascq is situated to doors of Lille, the regional capital. 4 300 students and 2 450 researchers, 112 laboratories, of which 25 partners to the CNRS(National Center of Scientific Research) . 
The region forms 10% of engineers in France. To Houdain, in 1994, starting of the SEVEC that united Citroźn, Fiat and Peugeot. The vehicle competitor of the space is constructed there.

In 1922, the POLLET family proposed her sons to knit to the faraway customers. 
She/it created the mail order in France.


The North Not-of-Calais possesses a remarkable communication network. The Region is in full mutation. She has a very advantageous situation to the center of Europe. 

Coal, basis of the economy disappeared. It remained an important network of communication ways of it. It explains the very dense urban cloth in part. At the level national, it represents more the third of the space. The density of population is three times superior to the national average. 

Landscapes of the North-not-of-Calais are nearer of the German, Belgian or Dutch regions rather than French. The farming landscape of the plain of Flanders confirms this impression. 
Agriculture essentially carries on cultures of potatoes and cereals. A lot of specific cultures developed themselves as the chicory, endives or the linen. Its traditional activities varied themselves, or even reconverted. 

The industry operated toward the tertiary a transfer on the last twenty years. She is to the fourth French region rank for her economic strength. 
This success is remarkable, when one has for memory difficulties met to throw back the regional economy on the new bases. 
It is par excellence the region of conversion. The North-not-of-Calais is the region of France that knew the most important transformations, on the economic and social plans. 

The industry has been concentrated a very long time on steel, coal and the textile. 
In GDP, the region is quoted in the first. 
In terms of strengths she/it represents 35% of uses of the North-not-of-Calais.

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